-Cursed Chambers-

“There it was again, the same nightmare. It always stays the same, her standing on a platform with burning test chambers around her. She seems to be screaming but no sound is heard apart from someone yelling at her to run. She doesn’t recognize the voice but the dream always ends with her getting knocked on her back and falling down…”

Amanda woke up with a burning headache; she lay on her back on the side of the pool of water. Above her she could see cranes and cables moving chambers around, and in between them she saw the cable car hanging onto some wires around 32 feet above her. She rolled onto her stomach and crawled away from the water. She stood up shaking and cold looking to see if she could find Will. Coughing up water and clutching her arm she walked through the thick mud and dirt. She turned a full 360 degrees to scout her surroundings and spotted her Aspard device laying not far from her position. She quickly ran up to it and checked to see if it still worked, it did and she clipped it on her belt again.

She then spotted an emergency exit door of some kind further ahead. As she began walking towards it the cables that held up the cart snapped and it came falling down into the water. She looked at it with a sigh of relief before stepping through the door. The catwalks she carefully walked over them as they creaked with age and corrosion. As she looked up she saw remnants of different types of test chamber and testing sphere generations stacked upon each other. She kept walking around and portalling to higher platforms to gain a possible vantage point to contact Will again.


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