-Past Mistakes-

The video feed turned on, it showed a startup screen before starting the actual recording footage. A person stood in front of the bot, speaking to it. Wake up, he spoke. We need you at the lift security asap, he told the bot before walking off through a door at the other side of the room. The bot stepped out of its housing and followed the man through the door. He walked alongside him towards the cable car station. He walked to a control panel as the man stood in front of him again. “you know the drill by now” the man spoke, “when the control group gets in the lift you activate the controls, you got that?”. The robot nodded in response and when 5 men in lab coats came in the room he connected himself to the control panel and punched in the access code, the door of the cart opened up and the men stepped inside.

Shortly after, the cart began to move and slid down the cable into the gigantic room. In the center stood proudly one of Aperture’s most successful creations. A big power reactor which currently housed the most advanced AI to date. But this was soon to change as the construction on Aperture’s Genetic Lifeform and Disc Operating System was soon to be completed. It was planned to be activated at the upcoming Bring Your Daughter To Work Day.

He watched as the cart disappeared into the structure and sat down on a chair waiting for further instructions. moments later a loud voice could be heard over every intercom, “You betrayed me! You said I was the only one, and I will make sure it stays that way!” The bot recognized the tone as the pre-rendered voice of the A.I.D.E.S. computer situated in the reactor control room. At the same time he got an urgent message from one of the men of the control group inside the reactor, “Get us out of here now!” he yelled into the intercom. But before the bot could react an explosion occurred in the reactor, sending a wave of flames across the chasm straight towards the offices and the lift station. The last thing visible in the recording was the bot getting hit by the wave and being knocked on the ground while a siren blared in the background. The recording stopped with a freeze-frame picture of the reactor core with a blown open roof.  

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