Not much is known about her. Her memory was almost completely wiped when she was put into cryostasis back in 1994. But when she woke up in the Aperture ruled by GLaDOS, she was assigned to be just another test subject to complete puzzles.
But after some time GLaDOS got sick of androids screwing up simple repair tasks and created an initiative for janitorial purposes preformed by humans, and went looking for human subjects that could preform mandatory tasks under workpressure. She assembled a team of around twenty subjects, and Amanda was one of them. Througout the 3 years that she has worked in this group, she was always the best. But sadly due to the dangerous environments, many subjects died or have gone missing. She even lost her best friend on one accident and lost the ability to speak in one too.
She is the last one left.
Drawn by Jovana lanik
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