A.I.D.E.S. (Artificial Intelligent Decontamination Event System) 

AIDES was constructed in March of 1995. His original purpose was to maintain the systems of the large underground nuclear reactor. Since the area was highly radioactive most people wouldnt dare to go down there and do this themselves; that's why Aperture scientists built a large robot to do their job for them. 

The main body (ring) that is attached to the center column is 8 meters in diameter and 1.7 meters both horizontally and vertically. All the motors to move up and down the column, and to rotate are all located inside this ring. At opposite sides of the ring are 2 openings for the mechanisms of the arms to be placed. And at the front side is the hole where the head/neck would be attached when fully constructed.

Inside of the head is the main computer located. This is one of the most intelligent and fast learning AI Aperture build to date. It can work at incredible speeds to increase energy production. With its eye it can observe its surroundings and act fast if anything is out of the ordinary. The main computer also has a slot for additional harddrive installation if the need comes for an update or new use for its mental capacity.

Unlike the newer GLaDOS unit. this machine is 100% artificial. No brain mapping was involved in this project.


Some time in 1997, Aides began to collect more information regarding himself by sneaking himself into several servers from the enrichment center. He then saw the reports of several personell that the construction of GLaDOS had begun. Aides felt betrayed, he thought he was the most advanced AI ever built and that it should stay that way. In his sudden rage he began to sabotage the reactor core, which began overheating. several scientists tried to shut him off but failed. this made Aides even more angry, "You replaced me! I am supposed to be the one in charge" he screamed. at this time the scientists were deliberately trying to overload the reactor to try and destroy Aides in the procces. They succeded and the entire wing where Aides was located became abandoned and is still to this day used as a place for broken chambers and tests to rot away.